Sunday, July 07, 2013

The Hive

            Thousands of years had passed, breaking down the why and the who of the missions.  Billions of drones had been copied beyond recognition and degraded to pure psi energy to feed the Central Minds.
            All intelligent life was the enemy.  As soon as it became detectable, the Executives searched for weakness.  Fear.  All of those Aware had fear.  All fear was theirs to exploit.
            Distance did not matter.  Galaxies meant nothing.  Thought traveled anywhere at its own speed as long as the destination was clear.  It killed quickly and brutally, ignoring the screams.

            This is a flash fiction from the extended universe around my ongoing serial Wolves of Shayid.  Feel free to head on over there and check it out!

1 comment:

alphabete said...

More pls.